Elite Machinery Systems
Global Provider of Used Plastics Equipment

Elite Machinery Systems is a long time customer of Apex 77. Their previous website was quite sucessful and maintained growth over a 10-year period.

The goals associated with the redesign of EliteMachinerySystems.com were to make the website mobile responsive, implement filters so that users could easily browse their vast inventory and create a design the reflected Elite's worldwide presence as a vendor of used plastics equipment.

Elite's logo represents their global reach in marketing. Their name is bold and reflects their strong presence in the plastics industry. It was essential that the website provide various ways for users to find the equipment they are looking for, whether it be by brand, size or location. The website is fully optimized for search engines and features a blog with troubleshooting articles relating to injection molding. The technical details of each machine are broken down into specific fields. Elite Machinery Systems can update their inventory and website content from a desktop computer or mobile device.

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